The catalogue of research tool / know-how is open exclusively for the Japanese academia. Let us know if you fulfill the condition and are interested. We send you the password to access the catalogue. Please make inquiry with the following contacts.

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The support tool / know-how is shared only with the academia (schools, national research institutes, etc.) in Japan.
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For those who are not FC-Cubic Academia union supporting members or NEDO academia operators, we request that you exchange a memorandum of understanding regarding the handling of information.
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Except for some devices, FC-Cubic in principle manufacture jigs, which are purchased at the actual production cost.
・Download the open document
・Contact us: using the inquiry form or sending e-mail to (TO: our personnel in charge of Tool)
Supporting membership is now open to national university corporations, school corporations, local governments and other organizations and individuals. Compared to the union membership, supporting membership does not encompass right to voting/election. We are happy to welcome you as our supporting members, inasmuch as the membership has been earning the popularity amongst educational institution corporations and local govenments. Along with it, our union membership (director/general union membership) is open as well at any time.